Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why do we fall?

"Why do we fall, sir?" The million-dollar question asked by Michael Cain in the film, Batman Begins, has always stuck with me. Failure is something in our nature as human beings. We fail all the time and it is our failures that magnify our success'. The best thing we can do we when we fail is to realize our failures. So many time, people will just find excuses to make or find someone to blame it on. Now with all these failures, there is room for triumph. In my past few weeks I have fallen. I think to myself, "Casey, there is something wrong in life. We need to step back and get a fresh take." So I went to SubWay. I'm kidding, but seriously, I needed to refresh my thoughts and think in basic, bigger picture terms. I was falling, but after I fell I just stayed on the ground. I have now realized, it is the way of man, to get up off the ground and rise again like the sun. The fall I have been going through right now will eventually be a thing of the past and I will be a better man for enduring the storm, instead of running and hiding. I will be a stronger man because I got up off the ground instead of being fossilized into the ground. I know this post is a little more ethos and not as much logos right now, but when I think about a post for my life at ONU or life in general, these were my thoughts this weekend following my surgery. Sitting there all day on the couch really forces you to think about things deeper than the surface of the scars and stitches. I drove myself crazy thinking about the pain and how I would ever be able to do what I could do before, ever again. Then I took that step back and realized that this is a fall. This is a test of my will and that is one test I never plan of failing. Will power can seem empty and bleak at some time in life for all of us, but it is that little voice in the back of my mind saying "you can't afford to lose. There is gonna be something worth fighting for". The first time I blogged I didn't really have the confidence to put these deeper thoughts on the blog, but the more I have blogged and read blogs, I have found the niche for it and how blogging can help me get things off my chest and into the light (of your screen) haha! So as I fight back through recovery, I remember that the cause of our falls may be different, but the reason we fall is to pick ourselves back up.

Monday, October 19, 2015

KIND bars: Can they do their job?

Whenever I see a company or organization try to make a global difference through a campaign, I always try to "dumb down" their mission statement and see if it is believable or not. For example, some people thought that the campaign by McDonald's of "Pay with lovin'" was a good idea, but I can personally rebut that campaign. Every time I went to the McDonald's in Ada, I was never once greeted with "lovin'".  I understand; Ada isn't always the most loving town when it comes to employees at McDonald's, but they still represent the brand of McDonald's and their mission statement. In my opinion, McDonald's missing statement was faulty and was not put into action at all of their locations. Now, on campus here at ONU, there is a new campaign being put into action by some students. It is called "KIND bars". When I first heard about the campaign, I thought I would be going to the Regal Beagle and seeing everyone in there being kind and appreciative of each other. Then after looking into the campaign of the KIND bars, I found out it was granola bar and the bars came in different flavors. According to the team behind KIND bars, "KIND is a brand that not only makes wholesome and  delicious foods, but is focused on making the world a little kinder- one act and one snack at a time." The ingredients in the bars are said to be gluten-free and non GMO (Genetically modified organisms). The healthy and organic image of KIND bars gives me a good notion of their actions and "work behind the scenes" if you will. The only thing that concerns me  with their campaign is how do they plan to get these bars to actually get results. Make the world a little kinder- one act and one snack at a time. The campaign information says there is a foundation named KIND Causes. The program helps people grant their socially impactful ideas to life through $10,000 grants monthly. The KIND bar campaign does have some serious points that make them legitimate, but getting a granola bar to make people happy and spread the kindness just seems a little far fetched. Even still, I see promise in this campaign and just because something is far fetched, doesn't mean it is impossible.